About NYSave
The goal of NYSAVE is for any pet owner residing in one of the five boroughs of New York City who is truly in need of financial assistance to be able to take their pet to any participating veterinary hospital for emergency veterinary care. Pet owners can apply directly to NYSAVE or obtain services through a referral by a veterinarian who is a member of the Veterinary Medical Association of New York City.
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About Us
George M. Korin DVM, founder of NYC VET HOUSECALLS, began providing home veterinary services to Manhattan residents in 1990. After graduating from the Ontario Veterinary College in Canada, Dr. Korin arrived in the New York City area in 1985 and for 5 years he worked for various area hospitals.
Eager to establish his own veterinary practice, Dr. Korin wanted to provide a more personalized and compassionate service than a standard veterinary clinic could provide.

NYC Vet House-Calls offers complete out-patient care in your home. Generally speaking, whatever can be done in a hospital exam room can be managed in the comfort of your home.
This includes a complete physical exam: examining the skin, coat and paws, checking the eyes with an ophthalmoscope, the ears with an otoscope, examining the oral cavity and teeth...